Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 279

Is it at all possible that one who cannot create a spring, and cannot create all fruits, and cannot create all the apples on earth, the stamp on which is the same, could create one apple, which is a miniature specimen of all of them, and give it to someone to eat as a bounty? Is it possible that he should claim thanks for it and thus share in the praise due to the one absolutely deserving of praise? God forbid! For whoever  creates one apple is he who creates all the apples produced  in the whole world; for their stamp is the same.

Moreover,  whoever  creates all the apples is again the one who creates all the seeds and fruits in the world, which are the source of food. That is to say, the one who gives  the  tiniest  bounty  to  the  least  significant  animate  creature  is  directly  the universe’s Creator and its Glorious Provider. Since this is so, thanks and praise are His directly. Since this is so, the reality of the universe declares unceasingly with the tongue of truth: “All the praise offered by all beings from pre-eternity to post-eternit y is due to Him alone!”


THE SIXTH PHRASE:  “He grants life”


That is, it is He alone who  gives  life, in which case it is also  He alone who creates all things. For life is the spirit, light, leaven, foundation, result, and summary of the universe, so whoever grants life must also be the universe’s Creator. It must be He who grants life, then, the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One. We therefore point out as follows a mighty proof of this degree of the affirmation of divine unity:

As has been explained  and proved  in another part of the Risale-i Nur, we see before us the magnificent army of animate beings with their tents pitched on the plain of the face of the earth. Every spring we behold a new army emerging from the World of the Unseen, freshly mobilized; one of the innumerable armies of the Ever-Living and  Self-Subsistent  One.  Observing  this  army,  we  see  within  it  more  than  two hundred  thousand  different  nations  from  the  plant  families,  and  more  than  one hundred thousand from the animal tribes. Although the uniforms of each tribe and family, as well as their provisions, drill, discharge, arms, and period of service are all different, anyone who has eyes in his head will see, and having seen will be unable to deny, that a commander-in-chief provides all these different needs with perfect orderliness and precise balance at exactly the right time; and he does this through his infinite power and wisdom, his boundless knowledge and will, his unending mercy, his inexhaustible treasuries, without forgetting a single one of them, or confusing or mixing-up or delaying any of them.

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