Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 284

Such  all-comprehending   knowledge   is  necessary  to  that  Being;  it  is  also necessary to all things in so far as they are connected to Him. That is to say, it is not possible for anything to be hidden from Him. Just as it is not possible for objects on the face of the earth to face the sun with no barrier and not see it, so is it a thousand times less possible, it is impossible, for things to be hidden from the light of the All- Knowing One of Glory’s knowledge. For they are in his presence. That is, everything is  within  the  range  of  His  sight,  is  before  Him,  is  within  the  compass  of  His witnessing; He penetrates into all things.

If such possessors of light as the inanimate sun, impotent man, and unconscious X-rays can see and penetrate everything that faces them although they are contingent, defective and accidental, surely nothing at all can remain hidden from or be beyond the  light  of  pre-eternal  knowledge,   which  is  necessary,  all-encompassing,   and essential. The universe contains incalculable signs and marks pointing to this truth, as may be seen in the following examples:

All the instances of wisdom apparent in beings point to such knowledge. For He who performs His works kindly and graciously must know; He must know what He is doing. And all well-ordered beings, each with balance, and all finely balanced and measured shapes and forms, each with order, also indicate such all-encompassing knowledge. For to carry out work with wisdom means to do it with knowledge. And all favour and adornment point to such knowledge. For he who works skilfully and in a measured and balanced way is surely relying on a powerful knowledge. And the regular measuredness apparent in beings, their shapes cut out with a view to purposes and benefits, and the fruitful situations and assemblages as though arranged according the  principles  of  divine  decree  and  the  compasses  of  divine  determining,   all demonstrate an all-embracing knowledge. For sure, it is by virtue of all-encompassing knowledge that each thing is given an ordered, distinct form, as well as a particular shape that is appropriate and beneficial to its life and existence; it could not occur any other way.

Also, it is only through all-embracing knowledge that the sustenance of animate creatures  is provided  in a suitable  form,  at the appropriate  time,  from unexpected places. Because, since the One who sends the sustenance knows and recognizes those who are in need of it, and the appropriate time to send it, and perceives their need, He is able to provide their sustenance in a suitable form.

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