Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 285

Also, although it is not clear to the creatures themselves, the appointed hour of their deaths, which is tied to a law of determination, demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge. For although its time does not appear to be determined, the death of all groups and individuals is appointed within a period of time with a beginning and an end. The fact that the seeds, fruits and results of a thing are preserved at the time of death,   since  they  will  continue   its  duties  after  it  and  are  the  means  of  its transformation into a new life, demonstrates an all-encompassing knowledge.

Also,  mercy’s  benevolence,  which  encompasses  all  beings  and  is  in  a  form appropriate  to each, demonstrates  all-embracing  knowledge  within vast mercy. For the One who feeds the offspring of animate creatures with milk, for example, and assists the plants of the earth needy for water with rain, most certainly knows the young and their needs, and sees the plants, perceives how necessary rain is for them and then sends it; and so on. All the manifestations of wise kindly mercy demonstrate all-comprehensive knowledge.

Also, the care and attention, the artistic fashioning and skilful decoration and art in all things demonstrate all-embracing knowledge. For it is only through a profound knowledge that an orderly, adorned, artistic, and purposeful state can be chosen from among thousands of possible states. The choice apparent in all beings demonstrates all-encompassing knowledge.

Also, the total ease in the creation and origination of things points to perfect knowledge. For the facility in achieving a certain situation is commensurate with the degree of knowledge and skill. However well it is known, it will be achieved with that degree of ease. Thus, we see that beings, every one of which is a miracle of art, are created easily, without trouble or confusion, in a short period of time, in a wondrous, yet miraculous, fashion. That is to say, there is infinite knowledge, since it finds expression through infinite ease; and so on.

There are thousands  of veracious  signs like those mentioned  in the examples above indicating that the Being who has free disposal over the universe possesses all- encompassing knowledge; that He knows all the attributes of all beings, then he acts. Since the universe’s Owner has such a knowledge, He surely sees human beings and their actions, and He knows what human beings deserve and what is appropriate for them. And He deals with them and will deal with them in accordance with the requirements of wisdom and mercy.

O man! Come to your senses! Think carefully of just what sort of Being it is who knows you and watches you; think of it and pull yourself together!

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