This mystery has been explained and proved with the six comparisons – the Mystery of Luminosity, the Mystery of Transparency, the Mystery of Reciprocity, the Mystery of Balance, the Mystery of Order, the Mystery of Obedience, and the Mystery of Disengagedness – at the end of the Tenth Word, which is about the resurrection of the dead, and in the discussion also about the resurrection in the Second Aim of the Twent y-Ninth Word, which is about the angels, the immortality of man’s spirit, and the resurrection. It has been demonstrated in these that in relation to divine power the stars are as easy as atoms and that innumerable individuals are created as easily as one individual. Since these mysteries have been proved in those two Words, we refer you to them and cut short the discussion here.
T h e S e c o n d
A decisive, self-evident proof that everything is equal in relation to divine power is this: we see with our own eyes in the creation of animals and plants the highest degree of mastery and exquisiteness of art despite the infinite multiplicity and liberality; and the greatest distinction and differentiation within the utmost confusion and intermingling; and the highest worth as regards art and supreme beauty as regards creation within the greatest abundance and profusion. While needing much equipment and much time, they are created with the utmost ease and speed with the greatest art. Simply, those miracles of art come into existence suddenly and out of nothing.
Thus, by observing this activity of power every season on the face of the earth, we see that it establishes irrefutably that the greatest thing is as easy as the smallest in relation to the power that is the source of those actions, and that the creation and administration of innumerable individuals is as easy as the creation and administration of a single individual.
T h e T h i r d
The vastest whole is as easy as the smallest part in relation to the power of the All-Powerful Maker who rules in the universe with actions, direction, and disposal that are clearly to be seen. The creation of a universal consisting of a multiplicity of individuals is as easy as the creation of a single particular, and in an insignificant particular, art of the highest worth may be displayed. This mystery and the wisdom in it arise from three sources:
Firstly: from the assistance of unity (vâhidiyet).
Secondly: from the facility of unity (vahdet).
Thirdly: from the manifestation of oneness (ehadiyet).
The Assistance of Unity, which is the first source: That is, if all things are the property of a single being, then as a result of unity, he can concentrate the power of all things behind any single thing and all can be administered as easily as one thing. We shall explain this mystery with a comparison in order to make it easier to understand: