Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 301

I n   S h o r t : The easiness and facility on the way of divine unity and belief make it necessary, while the difficulties on the way of causes and assigning partners to  God  make  it  impossible.  For  one  person  may,  without  trouble,  put  numerous objects into a single situation and obtain one result. But if it is left to the objects themselves to bring about the situation and obtain the result, they could do so only with great trouble and much activity.

For example, as is stated in the Third Letter, every night, every year, a glittering expedition and passage glorifying God is accomplished through setting in motion the army of the stars in the field of the heavens under the command of the sun and the moon. This is the alluring and captivating situation of the heavens. The alternation of the seasons and other momentous affairs are brought about; and this is the exalted and purposeful result of the motion of the earth. If the situation of the heavens and result of the  revolving  earth are ascribed  to divine  unity,  the Pre-Eternal  Monarch  may easily appoint a soldier  like the globe of the earth as commander  of the heavenly bodies for the situation and the result to be achieved. After it has received its order, the earth will rise up with joy at its appointment to whirl and mention God’s names like a Mevlevi dervish. With slight expense that graceful situation will be obtained and the significant result come about.

However, if it is said to the earth: “You stop where you are, do not interfere!”; and if to obtain the result and situation, it is referred to the heavens; and if the road of multiplicity and associating partners with God is taken rather than that of divine unity, it will be necessary, every day and every year, to set in motion millions of stars which are thousands of times larger than the globe of the earth and to cover a distance of millions of years in twenty-four hours and a year.

C o n c l u s i o n : The Qur’an and the believers ascribe limitless creatures to One Maker. They attribute every matter directly to Him. They travel a road so easy as to be necessary, and urge all towards it. While the people of rebellion, who ascribe partners to God, by attributing a single creature to innumerable causes, travel a road so beset with dificulties as to be impossible. In which case, those on the way of the Qur’an are together with all creatures, and those on the way of misguidance, with a single  creature.  Or  to put  it another  way,  the  issuing  of  all things  out of one  is infinitely easier than the issuing of one thing out of many. In the same way that an officer commands a thousand soldiers as easily as one soldier, if the command of one soldier were to be assigned to a thousand officers, it would become as difficult as commanding a thousand soldiers, it would cause chaos.

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