Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 300

Just like connecting his receiver to existing telegraph and telephone lines with a tiny wire, the man, through the connection he formed, connected  himself to an infinite power.

Thus, “And God’s is the highest similitude,”(16:60) if all creatures, all particles, are attributed directly to the Single One of Unity and if they are connected to Him, through the power of the connection and through of its Lord, at His command, an ant can demolish the Pharaoh’s palace; a fly can kill off Nimrod and consign him to Hell; a germ can despatch an iniquitous tyrant to the grave; a seed the size of a wheat grain becomes  the  workshop  and  machinery  for  producing  a  pine-tree  the  size  of  a mountain; and a particle of air is able to operate efficiently and systematically in the different functions and structures of all flowers and fruits. All this ease and facility self-evidently arise from the connection and state of being an official. If the being in question reverts to independence, if it is left to causes, multiplicity, and to itself, if it travels the road of associating partners with God, then the service it will be able to perform will be only to the extent of its physical entity and to the degree of its consciousness.

Third Comparison: For example, there were two friends who wanted to write a geographical  and statistical  work on a country they had never seen.  One of them formed  a connection  with the king and entered the telegraph and telephone office. With a piece of wire worth a few kurush, he connected his own telephone receiver to the state lines and was able to communicate with everywhere and receive information. He wrote a perfectly composed and well-arranged work of geography and statistics. As for the other man, either he would have had to travel continuously for fifty years and see everywhere and learn of every event with great difficulty, or else, spending millions of liras he would have had to become the owner, like the king, of a telegraph and telephone system as extensive as that of the state so that he could write a perfect work like his friend.

Similarly,  “And God’s is the highest  similitude,”(16:60)  if innumerable  things and creatures are attributed to the Single One of Unity, through the connection, each becomes a place of manifestation. Through displaying the manifestation of the Pre- Eternal Sun, it acquires a connection with the laws of His wisdom, the principles of his  knowledge,  and  the  decrees  of His  power.  Then,  through  divine  strength  and power, it displays such a dominical manifestation that it acquires an eye that sees all things, a face that looks to all places, and words that have weight in all matters. If the connection is severed, the thing will also be cut off from everything else, it will be squeezed into the smallness of its own bulk. In which case, it would have to possess absolute divinity so that it could perform the functions described above.

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