Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 297

O our Sustainer! Do not take us to task if we forget or unwittingly do wrong.(2:286)

O our Sustainer! Let not our hearts swerve from the truth after You have guided us; and bestow upon us the gift of Your mercy; indeed, You are the Giver of Gifts.(3:8)

O my Sustainer! Open up my heart  * And make my task easy for me * And loosen the knot from my tongue * That they might fully understand my speech.(20:25-8)

O  our  Sustainer!  Accept  this  from  us,  indeed  You  are  All-Seeing,  All- Knowing. *  And forgive us, indeed You are the Accepter of Repentance, the Compassionate.(2:127-8)

All glory be unto You! We have no knowledge  save that which You have taught us; indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)



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