Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 296

Further  to  what  has  been  proved  decisively  above,  the  universe’s  All-Wise Maker, who possesses boundless all-embracing power, limitless universal will, and infinite all-encompassing knowlege – the all-Merciful Creator of human beings – has promised in all His heavenly books and decrees Paradise and eternal bliss to those of mankind who believe in Him. Since He has promised, He will most certainly bring it about, for it is impossible  for Him to break His promise.  Also, not to carry out a promise  is an extremely  ugly fault,  and the One of Absolute  Perfection  is totally exempt and free from all fault. Failure to fulfil a promise arises either from ignorance or from impotence. However, since it is impossible for ignorance or impotence to be ascribed  in  any way to  that  Absolutely  Powerful  One,  the  One  Knowing  of  All Things, His breaking of a promise is impossible.

Moreover, first and foremost the Pride of the Worlds (Upon whom be blessings and peace), and all the prophets, saints, purified scholars, and people of belief, continuously request and implore, desire and beseech the All-Generous and Compassionate One for the eternal bliss they have been promised. They beseech it through all His Most Beautiful Names. For foremost His compassion and mercy, and justice and wisdom, His names of All-Merciful and Compassionate, and All-Just and Wise, and His dominicality and sovereignty, and most of His names including Lord and Sustainer (Rabb) and Allah, require and necessitate the realm of the hereafter and eternal happiness, and they testify and point to its realization. Indeed, all beings with all of their truths point to the hereafter.

The All-Wise Qur’an, the greatest of the revealed books, also demonstrates and teaches this truth with thousands of its verses; with clear evidences and conclusive, veracious proofs.


The Most Noble Beloved One, too, who is the cause of pride for the human race, relying on thousands of dazzling miracles taught this truth throughout his life, with all his strength; he proved it, proclaimed it, saw it, and demonstrated it.

O God, grant blessings and peace and benedictions to him and to his Family and Companions to the number of the breaths of the people of Paradise; and resurrect us and resurrect him and his friends and Companions to bliss, and our parents and brothers and sisters under his banner, and grant us his intercession,   and   allow   us   to   enter   Paradise   with   his   Family   and Companions, through Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful. Amen. Amen.

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