Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 295

the resurrection of all humankind is as easy as causing one person to die and raising him to life again. And according to the explicit statement of,


Nothing will there have been but one single blast, and lo! before Us will all of them be arraigned,(36:53)


to raise to life all human beings at the resurrection is as easy as calling together with the sound of a bugle an army that has dispersed to rest.

Although this infinite speed and boundless ease are decisive proofs and certain arguments  for the self-evident  perfection of the Maker’s power and for everything being easy for Him,  in the view of the people of misguidance,  the formation and creation of things by that power, which is so easy as to be necessary, gave rise to the notion that things form themselves, which is utterly impossible, and thus became the cause of confusion. That is to say, because they see that some ordinary things come into existence very easily, they imagine that they are formed spontaneously. That is, they are not created, but come into existence of their own accord.

There, look at this sheer stupidity! The people of misguidance make what is the proof of an absolute power, the proof of its non-existence; they open the door to innumerable impossibilities. For if it were the case, such attributes of perfection as infinite power and all-encompassing knowledge, which are necessary to the Maker of the universe, would have to be ascribed to every particle of every creature so that each could form itself.


THE ELEVENTH PHRASE:  “And with Him all things have their end”


That  is  to  say,  everything  will  return  to  the  realm  of  permanence  from  the transient realm, and will go to the seat of the Sempiternal Ever-Enduring One’s post- eternal sovereignty. They will go from the multiplicity of causes to the domain of the All-Glorious One of Unity’s power, and will be transferred from this world to the hereafter. Your place of recourse is His Court, therefore, and your place of refuge, His mercy. And so on.

There are a great many truths which this phrase and those like it state. One is that you will return to eternal bliss and Paradise. This has been proved so decisively by the irrefutable certainty of the twelve arguments of the Tenth Word, and by the six “Principles”  that comprise the numerous cogent proofs of the Twenty-Ninth Word, that they leave no need for further explanation. Those two Words have proved with the certainty of the sun rising in the following morning after having set the previous day, that life too, which has the meaning of the sun in this world, will rise in an eternal form in the morning of the resurrection after its setting with the destruction of the world. Since the Tenth and Twenty-Ninth Words have proved this truth to perfection, we refer you to them and here only say this:

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