Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 294

I n  S h o r t : The All-Powerful Maker creates everything in an appropriate form without trouble, without undergoing any process, swiftly and easily. He creates universals as easily as particulars. He creates particulars as full of art as He does universals. Indeed, whoever creates universals and the heavens and the earth must necessarily be the one who creates the particulars and animate individuals contained in the heavens and earth; it could be nothing other than him. For those tiny particulars are the fruits, seeds, and the miniature specimens of universals.

Furthermore, whoever creates the particulars must also be the one who creates the elements and heavens and earth, which encompass the particulars. For we see that particulars are each like a seed and tiny copy in relation to universals. Since this is so, the universal elements and the heavens and earth must be in the hand of the One who creates those particulars so that, according to the principles of His wisdom and the balances of His knowledge, He can insert the gist, the meanings, the samples, of those universal  and  all-encompassing  beings  in  those  particulars,  which  are  like  their miniature specimens.

Indeed, from the point of view of the wonders of art and marvels of creativeness, particulars  are not behind universals;  neither  are flowers  lower  than the stars,  nor seeds inferior to trees. Indeed, the tree’s meaning, which is the inscription of divine determining and is in the seed, is more wonderful than the physical tree, which is the weaving of divine power and is in the garden. And the creation of man is more wonderful than the creation of the universe. If a Qur’an of Wisdom were to be written in particles of ether on an atom, it would far surpass in value a Qur’an of Grandeur written in stars on the face of the heavens. Similarly,  there are minute particulars which are superior to universals as regards the miraculousness of their art.


T h e  F i f t h


We have demonstrated to an extent in our explanations above, the infinite ease, utmost speed, extreme swiftnesss of actions, and boundless facility apparent in the creation  of  beings,  together  with  the  mysteries  and  instances  of wisdom  in their creation. The existence of things with this utmost speed and utter facility, therefore, has given the people of guidance the following firm conviction, that in relation to the power of the One who creates beings, Paradises are as easy as the spring, the spring as easy as gardens, and gardens as easy as flowers.

According to the meaning of,


The creation of you all and the resurrection of you all is but like that of a single soul,(31:28)


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