Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 346

Glory be to the One who has made the garden of the earth the exhibition of His art, the gathering  of His creatures,  the place of manifestation  of His power, the means of His wisdom, the garden of His mercy, the tillage of His Paradise, the place of passage of creatures, through which beings flow, the measure of artefacts; adorned by animals, embroidered with birds, made fruitful by trees, made to bloom with flowers; miracles of His knowledge, wonders of His art, gifts of His munificence, proofs of His favour, evidences of His unity, subtleties of His wisdom, witnesses to His mercy; the smiling of the blossoms with the adornment of fruits, the singing of the birds in the breezes of morning, the pattering of the rain on the cheeks of the flowers,' the adornment of the flowers, the embellishment of the fruits in these gardens,' all  mothers,  human  and  animal,  are  tender  towards  their  small  young, making known a Loving One, making loved a Merciful One, the compassion of a Kind One, the tenderness of One sympathetic to man and jinn, and to spirits, animals, angels, andjinn.



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