Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 349

Since  supplication  possesses  this  great  importance  and  capacity,  is  it  at  all possible that the supplications offered all the time for one thousand three  hundred   and  fifty  years  by  three  hundred   million  of  mankind   and   by uncountable  numbers  of blessed  beings  from  among  men,  jinn,  angels,  and  spirit beings for the bestowal of suprem divine mercy and eternal happiness on the Person of Muhammad (UWBP), and for the accomplishment of their aims would not be accepted? Is it in any way possible that their supplications would be rejected?

Since all these supplications have acquired universality, extensiveness, and continuousness  to  this extent  and  have  reached  the  level of the tongues  of latent ability and innate need, for sure, as a result of them, Muhammad the Arabian (UWBP) has achieved such a rank and degree that if all minds were to gather together and become one mind, it could not completely comprehend it.

O Muslims! This is the intercessor you shall have on the Day of Resurrection! So if you want to attract his intercession, follow his practices (sunna)!

I f  y o u  a s k : Since he is God’s Beloved, what need does he have of all these blessings and supplications?

T h e  A n s w e r : This Being (UWBP) is concerned with the happiness of all his community  and shares  in the  good  fortune of each of its members.  So too, he is disturbed by all their tribulations. For sure, the degrees of his own happiness and perfection are endless, but since he desires ardently the numberless kinds of happiness for the numberless members of his community for an unlimited time, and is saddened at the numberless kinds of their wretchedness, he is surely worthy of and needy for endless blessings and supplications and mercy.

I f  y o u  a s k : Sometimes supplications are offered for things that are definite; for example, the supplications in the prayers offered during lunar and solar eclipses. Also, sometimes supplications are made for things that will never come about. What does this mean?

T h e   A n s w e r : As is explained  in others of the Words, supplication  is worship. By means of it, God’s servant proclaims his powerlessness  and want. The apparent purposes mark the times of the supplication and the supplicatory worship; they are not really the purpose. The purpose of worship and its benefits look to the hereafter.  If  its  worldly  aims  are  not  obtained,  it  should  not  be  said  that  the supplication was not accepted, but that the time for it has not yet ended.

Also, is it at all possible that eternal happiness, which all the believers have asked for  at all times,  continuously,  with  complete  sincerity  and  yearning  and  entreaty, should not be given to them, and that the Absolutely Generous One, the Absolutely Compassionate One, who according to the testimony  of  the  universe  possesses  boundless  mercy,  should  not  accept  their supplications and that eternal happiness should not exist?


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