Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 352
           The Second Addendum
           to the Twenty-Fourth Letter



[This is about the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (UWBP)]



In His Name!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.(17:44)



In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

For, indeed, he saw him at a second descent; * Near the Lote-tree of the farthest limit; * Near it is to the Garden of Abode. * Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded in mystery unspeakable! * [His] eye did not waver, nor yet did it stray; * Truly did he see some of the most profound of his Sustainer’s signs.(53:13-18)


{We shall explain in five points, the section on the Ascension in the Mevlid of the Prophet (UWBP).[1]}


First Point


Süleyman Efendi, in the Mevlid which he wrote, recounts a sad love story about Buraq,  which was brought  from  Paradise.  Since  Süleyman  Efendi was one of the saints and the story is based on narrations, it must surely express a truth.

The truth of the matter  must  be  this: the  creatures  of the Eternal  Realm  are closely connected with the light of God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace). For it is through the light that he brought that Paradise and the world of the hereafter will be inhabited by mankind and the jinn. If it had not been for him, there would have been no eternal happiness, and mankind and the jinn, who have the ability to benefit from all the creatures of Paradise, would not have dwelt there; in that sense it would have remained empty, a wasteland.


[1] A Mevlid is a recitation by special singers of the long poem about the Prophet Muhammad (UWBP) written by Süleyman Çelebi, who died in Bursa 780/1378.

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