Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 357

Such an individual would surely be from among living creatures, for among the species and realms of beings in the universe, the most perfect are living beings. And among the animate species, the individual would be an intelligent being, for among living  beings  the  most  perfect  are  those  with  intelligence.  And  certainly,  that exceptional individual would be a human being, for among intelligent beings, the one capable of endless progress is man. And among men, that individual would be Muhammad  (Upon whom be blessings and peace). For no era in history, from the time of Adam to the present, has produced his like, and cannot and will not produce such a one. For taking half the globe of the earth and a fifth of mankind under his spiritual rule, he has perpetuated it magisterially for one thousand three hundred and fifty years, and for all who seek perfection has become a universal master in ever y sort  of  truth  and  reality.  As agreed  by friend  and  foe  alike,  he  possessed  moral qualities of the very highest order. At the start of his mission, he challenged the whole world singlehanded. The person who brought the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which  is  constantly  recited  by more  than  a  hundred  million  men,  is  surely  that excellent individual; it could be no one else. He is both the seed, and the fruit, of this world.


Blessings and peace be upon him to the number of the species of the universe and all their beings!


You may understand then what a pleasurable, honourable, luminous, joyful, auspicious,  and elevated  religious  entertainment  it  is for believers  to  listen to  the Mevlid and Ascension of that Being whom they look on as their chief, master, leader, and intercessor; that is, to hear about the beginning and end of his progress; that is, to learn the story of his spiritual life.

O our Sustainer! In veneration of Your Most Noble Beloved (Upon whom be blessings  and peace) and for the  sake of Your  Greatest  Name,  make  the hearts of those who publish this treatise, and those of their companions, manifest the lights of belief, and make their pens disseminate the mysteries of the Qur’an, and set them on the Straight Path! Amen.

Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise!(2:32)


The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!


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