Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LETTER | 413

F o u r t h  E x a m p l e : As is testified to by Hulûsi Bey’s piece in the Twenty- Seventh Letter, he found in the light-filled Words, which interpret the mysteries of the Qur’an, assistance and succour, effulgence and light greater than in the Naqshi way, which is the most important and influential Sufi order.

F i f t h  E x a m p l e : My brother Abdülmecid suffered terribly at the death of Abdurrahman (May God have mercy on him) and at other grievous events. He also awaited  from  me  assistance   and  influence   I  was  unable   to  give.  I  was  not corresponding with him. Suddenly I sent him some of the main parts of the Words. After studying them, he wrote to me and said: “Praise be to God, I have been saved! I would have gone mad. Each of those Words has become like a spiritual guide for me. I had parted from one guide, but I suddenly found lots of them all at once, and was saved!” I realized that truly Abdülmecid had embarked on a good way and had been saved from his previous difficulties.

There are numerous examples like these five which show that if the sciences of belief are experienced directly as cures from the mysteries of the All-Wise Qur’an in consequence of need and as healing for wounds, those sciences and spiritual cures are sufficient  for  those  who  perceive  their  need  and  make  use  of  them  with  earnest sincerity. Whatever the chemist and herald is like who sells and announces them – be he commonplace, or bankrupt, or rich, or a person of rank, or a servant – it does not make much difference. There is no need to have recourse to candlelight while the sun shines.  Since  I  am  showing  the  sun,  it  is  meaningless  and  unnecessary  to  seek candlelight from me, especially since I have none. Others should rather assist me with prayers, spiritual assistance, and even saintly influence. It is my right to seek help and assistance from them, while it is incumbent on them to be content with the effulgence they receive from the lights of the Risale-i Nur.


Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise!(2:32)

O God, grant blessings to our master Muhammad  that will be pleasing to You and fulfilment of his truth, and to his Family and Companions, and grant them peace.


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