Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LETTER | 415

The Fourth Matter, which is the Fourth Part



In His Name!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.(17:44)



[The  answer  written  for  my brothers  to  a  question  about  a  minor, though alerting, incident.]



Y o u  a s k : On the arrival of a blessed guest, your mosque was raided on the night before Friday. What really happened? Why did they bother you?

T h e  A n s w e r : I shall explain four points, necessarily in the tongue of the Old Said. Perhaps it will be the means of alerting my brothers, and you too will receive your answer.


First Point


In reality the incident was a satanic plot and an act of aggression carried out by dissemblers on account of atheism in a way that was a violation of the law and purely arbitrary, in order to alarm us on the eve of Friday, destroy the congregation’s enthusiasm, and prevent me from meeting with people. It was strange, but that day, that is, Thursday, I had gone somewhere to take some air. When returning, a long black snake that looked like two snakes joined together appeared from my left, and passed between me and the friend who was with me. Meaning to ask my friend if he had been terrified at the snake, I asked him: “Did you see it?”

He replied: “What?”

I said: “That terrible snake.”

He said: “No, I didn’t see it and I can’t see it.”

“Glory be to God!”, I exclaimed, “Such a huge snake passes between us and you didn’t see it! How is that?”

At the time nothing occurred to me. Then later this was imparted to my heart: “It was a sign for you. Watch out!” I thought it was like one of the snakes I used to see at night. That is, whenever an official visited me with a malicious intention, I would see him in the form of a snake. In fact, one time I said to the District Officer:

No Voice