Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LETTER | 427
If  they  surpass  ordinar y wonders,  they  become  rays  of  the  Qur’an’s  miraculousness.  And  since miraculousness may be made known, the making known of what assists the miraculousness passes to the account of the miraculousness and cannot be the cause of any pride or conceit; it should rather be the cause of praise and thanks.

Seventh Reason: Eighty per cent of mankind are not investigative scholars who can penetrate to reality, recognize reality as reality and accept it as such. They rather accept matters by way of imitation, that they hear from acceptable and reliable people, in consequence of their good opinions of them. In fact, they look on a powerful truth as weak when in the possession of a weak man, while if they see a worthless matter in the possession of a worthy man, they deem it valuable. Because of this, in order not to reduce the value of the truths of faith and the Qur’an in the eyes of most people since they are in the hands of a weak and worthless wretch like myself, I am compelled to proclaim that outside our knowledge and will, someone is employing us; we are not aware of it, but he is making us work. My evidence is this: outside our wills and consciousness, we manifest certain favours and facilities. In which case, we are compelled to shout out and proclaim those favours.

In consequence of the above seven reasons, we shall point out several signs of universal dominical favours.




Explained in the First Point of the Eighth Matter of the Twenty-Eighth Letter, are the  ‘coincidences’  (tevâfukat).  For  example,  in  the  Nineteenth  Letter,  about  the miracles of Muhammad (UWBP), in a copy written by a scribe who was unaware of this  factor,  on sixty pages    with  the  exception  of  two    from  the  Third  to  the Eighteenth Signs, more than two hundred instances of the phrase “God’s Noble Messenger, Upon whom be blessings and peace” look to each other corresponding perfectly. Anyone fair who looks at two pages would confirm that they are not the product of mere chance. If many instances of the same word corresponded  to each other on the same page, half would be chance and half coincidence; it would only be wholly coincidence if this occurred on more than one page. So if two, three, four, or even more instances of the phrase “God’s Noble Messenger, Upon whom be blessings and peace” correspond to each other perfectly on all the pages, it surely is not possible for it to be chance. It shows too that a coincidence that eight different scribes have been unable to spoil is a powerful sign from the Unseen. Although the various degrees of eloquence are to be found in the books of the scholars of rhetoric and eloquence, the eloquence of the All-Wise Qur’an has risen to the degree of miraculousness and it is in no one’s power to reach it.

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