Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LETTER | 429



The fact that the various parts of the Risale-i Nur prove the principal truths of belief  and  the  Qur’an  in brilliant  fashion  to  even  the  most  obdurate  person  is a powerful sign from the Unseen and divine favour. For among those truths are some that Ibn Sina, who was considered the greatest genius, confessed his powerlessness to understand, saying: “Reason cannot solve these.” Whereas the Tenth Word explains what he could not achieve with his genius to ordinary people, or even to children.

And for example, a learned scholar like Sa‘d al-Din Taftazani could only solve the mystery of divine determining  and  man’s  will in forty to fifty pages with the famous Muqaddimat-i Ithna ‘Ashar in his work Talwihat. Those same matters, which he set out for the elite alone, are explained completely in two pages in the Second Topic of the Twenty-Sixth Word, which is about divine determining,  in a way that everyone can understand; if that is not a mark of divine favour, what is?

There are also what are known as the mystery of world’s creation and the riddle of the universe, which have perplexed everyone and no philosophy has been able to solve: through the miraculousness of the Qur’an of Mighty Stature, that abstruse talisman and astonishing riddle are solved in the Twenty-Fourth Letter, and in the Allusive Point towards the end of the Twenty-Ninth Word, and in the six instances of wisdom in the transformations  of minute particles explained in the Thirtieth Word. They have disclosed and explained the mystery of the astonishing activity in the universe, and the riddle of the universe’s creation and its end, and the meaning and instances of wisdom in the motion and transformations of particles; they are there for all to see and may be referred to.

Furthermore, the Sixteenth and Thirty-Second Words explain with perfect clarit y the partnerless unity of dominicality, through the mystery of divine oneness, together with the astonishing truths of infinite divine proximity and our infinite distance from God. While the exposition of the phrase “And He is Powerful over all things” in the Twentieth Letter and its Addendum  which contains three comparisons demonstrate self-evidently  that  minute  particles  and  the planets  are equal  in relation  to divine power, and that at the resurrection of the dead, the raising to life of all beings with spirits will be as easy for that power as the raising to life of a single soul, and that the intervention of any partner to God in the creation of the universe is so far from reason as to be impossible, thus disclosing a vast mystery of divine unity.

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