Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 467
In regard to the word “Qur’an,” it was present in the seven lines of the word, which included all of them with the exception of two, and since these latter had the meaning of qira’at, their remaining outside the pattern strengthened the point. As for the word “Messenger,” since the Suras most connected with the word are Sura Muhammad and Sura al-Fath, and since we limited it to the lines of the word appearing in those two Suras, the instances of the word outside those have not been included. If time permits, the mysteries these hold will be explained, God willing.

The Third Point consists of four points.


F i r s t  P o i n t


The  word  “Allah”  is  mentioned  two  thousand  eight  hundred  and  six  times. Including in the Bismillah’s (In the Name of God’s), the word “Merciful (Rahman)” one hundred and fifty-nine; “Compassionate (Rahim),” two hundred and twenty; “Forgiving  (Ghafur),”  sixty-one;  “Sustainer  (Rabb),”  eight  hundred  and  forty-six; “Wise  (Hakim),”   eighty-six;   “Knowing   (‘Alim),”  one  hundred   and  twenty-six; “Powerful (Qadir),” thirty-one; the “He (Hu)” in “There is no god but He,” twenty-six times.[1] The number of times the word “Allah” is repeated contains many mysteries and subtle points. For instance, the number of times “Merciful,” “Compassionate,” “Forgiving,”   and   “Wise,”   which   are   the   most   mentioned   after   “Allah”   and “Sustainer,” are repeated together with the word “Allah,” is equal to half the number of the Qur’an’s verses. And repetitions of “Allah,” together with “Sustainer,” which is mentioned instead of the word “Allah,” again equal half the number of the Qur’an’s verses. The word “Sustainer” is mentioned eight hundred and forty-six times, but if these  are  studied  carefully,  it  will  be  seen  that  around  five  hundred  of  them  are mentioned in place of the word “Allah,” while around two hundred are not.

Also, repetitions of “Allah” together with “Merciful,” “Compassionate,” “Knowing,” and the “He” of the phrase “There is no god but He” are again equal in number to half of the verses; the difference is only four. And together with “All- Powerful” instead of “He,” they again equal half the number of verses; the difference here is nine. There are numerous subtle points in the total number of time the word “Allah,” but for now we deem this point to be sufficient.



[1] An important mystery is indicated by the total number of the Qur’an’s verses being six thousand six hundred and sixty-six, and  on  the eighty-ninth page here the above-mentioned number of divine names being connected with the number six, but it has been left aside for now.

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