Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 469

T h e  T h i r d  P o i n t  is about the word “Allah”


This concerns its relation to the pages and is as follows:

The number of instances of the word on one page looks to that page’s reverse side, and that page sometimes looks to its facing page, and sometimes to the left-hand facing page and to the reverse face of the facing page. I studied a coincidence in my own copy of the Qur’an and observed what was generally a very fine numerical relationship. I marked them in my copy. Very often they are equal, and sometimes they are a half or a third. Their positioning tells of a wisdom, purpose, and order.


F o u r t h P o i n t


This concerns coincidences on a single page. My brothers and I compared three or four different copies and we came to the conclusion that the coincidences were intended in all of them. However, since copyists for printed copies had different aims in view, the coincidences lost their order to a degree. But if they were set in order, coincidences  would  become  apparent  to  the  number  of  the  two  thousand  eight hundred and six instances of the word Allah in the whole Qur’an with only rare exceptions. A light of miraculousness shines in this, because the human mind could not encompass a page as extensive as this and interfere in it. And the hand of chance could not reach up to such a situation, so full of meaning and wisdom.

We are having a new Qur’an written in order to demonstrate this Fourth Point to a degree, which together with preserving the pages and lines of the most widely used copies of the Qur’an, will set in order the places that have lost their order due to the slackness of calligraphers, and will display the true order of the coincidences, God willing. Indeed, it was displayed.


O God! O Revealer of the Qur’an! For the sake of the Qur’an, allow us to understand its mysteries so long as the spheres revolve. And grant blessings and peace to the one to whom You revealed the Qur’an, and to all his Family and Companions. Amen.


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