In Short: Each of the thousand and one divine names turned towards the universe appeared like a sun, illuminating a world and the worlds within that world, and with respect to divine oneness (ehadiyet), within the manifestation of each of them the manifestations of the rest of the names appeared to a degree. Then my heart espied a different light behind all the darknesses and felt an appetite for travel. It wanted to mount the imagination and rise to the heavens. At that point, a further, most extensive, veil was folded back, and my heart entered the world of the heavens. It saw that the stars larger than the earth, which appeared as twinkling smiles, were spinning and journeying faster than the earth one within the other. If any of them confused its motion it would clash with another causing such a blast the universe would explode causing the whole world to fall apart. They were scattering fire, not light, and were regarding me not with smiles, but with savagery. I saw the heavens within endless, all-enveloping, empty, awesome, terrifying darkness. I was sorry a thousand times over that I had come. Suddenly the names of Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and Sustainer of the Angels and Spirits appeared with their manifestations in the sign of “He has subjected the sun and the moon,”(13:2, etc.) and, “And We adorned the lower heaven with lights.”(41:12) The stars, which in accordance with the former meaning had collapsed into darkness, each received a flash from that mighty light and lit up that world of the heavens like shining electric lamps. The heavens too, which had seemed empty and uninhabited, filled with angels and spirit beings. I saw that the suns and moons, which were in motion like an army of the Monarch of Pre-Eternit y and Post-Eternity – one of His innumerable armies – were with their lofty manoeuvres displaying the majesty and magnificent dominicality of that All-Glorious Sultan. I declared with all my strength, and had it been possible with all the particles of my being, and if they had listened to me with the tongues of all creatures: