Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 474

          The Sixth Section,

          which is the Sixth Treatise




[This  was  written  to  warn  students  and  servants  of  the  All-Wise

Qur’an, so that they should not be deceived.]



In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

And  incline  not  towards  those  who  do  wrong,  or  the  Fire  will  seize you.(11:113)


God willing, this Sixth Section will confound six stratagems of satans among jinn and men, and block up six of their ways of attack.




In consequence of the instruction they have received from satans among the jinn, human satans want to deceive, by exciting the desire for rank and position, the self- sacrificing servants of the party of the Qur’an, and to make them give up their sacred service and elevated jihad of the word. It is as follows:

Present in most people is a hypocritical desire to be seen by people and hold a position in the public view, which is ambition for fame and acclaim, and self- advertisement;  it is present to a lesser or greater extent in all those who seek this world. The desire to accomplish this ambition will drive a person to sacrifice his life even. Such ambition is exceedingly dangerous for those who seek the hereafter, and even for those who seek this world it is a rough road. It is also the source of many bad morals and is man’s greatest weakness. A person only has to gratify this ambition to gain control over someone and draw him to himself; it ties the man to him, and he is overcome. My greatest fear for my brothers is that the atheists may take advantage of this weak vein of theirs. It has caused me much thought. For they did attract in this way some unfortunates who were not truly friends, drawing them into a dangerous situation.[1]



[1]Those unfortunates think: “Our hearts are together with Ustad,” and suppose themselves to be in no danger. But someone who gives support to the atheists’ movement and is carried away by their propaganda, and perhaps unknowingly is used in spying activities, says: “My heart is pure and loyal to Ustad’s way,” resembles the following example: while performing the obligatory prayers, a person cannot hold his wind and expels it, and his prayer is invalidated. When he is told that his prayers are invalid, he replies: “Why should they be? My heart is pure.”

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