Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 480

Furthermore,  my brothers! Most of you have done  your military service.  Any who haven’t, have certainly heard this. And any who haven’t heard it, let them hear it now from me: “The people who receive most wounds are those who abandon their trenches and run away. While the people who receive fewest wounds are those who persevere in their trenches!”

The allusive meaning of the verse,


Say: “The death from which you flee will truly overtake you”(62:8)


shows that those who run away are more likely to meet death through their flight!




They hunt many people through greed.

We have proved in many treatises with certain proofs that have issued forth from the clear verses of the All-Wise Qur’an that licit sustenance comes not in accordance with  power  and  will,  but  proportionately  to  powerlessness  and  want.  There  are numerous signs, indications, and evidences demonstrating this truth. For instance:

Trees, which are animate beings of a sort and in need of sustenance, remain in their places and their sustenance comes hastening to them. While since animals chase after it greedily, they are not nurtured as perfectly as trees.

Also, although fishes are the most stupid and powerless of the animals and are found  in  sand,  their  being  the  best  nourished  and  generally  appearing  fat  while intelligent and capable animals like the monkey and fox are weak and thin from their scanty sustenance, shows that need is the means of sustenance, not power.

Also, the fine sustenance of all young, whether human or animal, and milk, the delicate gift of the treasury of mercy, being bestowed on them in an unexpected way out of compassion for their weakness and impotence, and the difficult circumstances of wild  animals,  show  that  impotence  and want  are the means  of licit sustenance rather than intelligence and power.

Also, among the nations of the world there is none that pursues sustenance more than the Jewish nation, which is notorious for its intense greed. But they have suffered more than any from poor livelihoods amid degradation and poverty. Even the rich among them live in lowly fashion. In any event, the possessions they have acquired by such illicit means as usury do not comprise licit sustenance that it might refute our discussion here.

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