Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 482

It  is  because  of  this  that  I  am  warning  my  brothers  concerning  the  above- mentioned three points, in the face of the cunning propaganda of the dissemblers. I am trying to rebuff the attacks that are levelled at them.

The most significant attack now is at my person. They say: “Said is a Kurd. Why do you show him so much respect, and follow him?” So I am forced to mention the fourth satanic stratagem in the language of the Old Said although I do not want to, in order to silence such villains.




In order to deceive my brothers and excite their nationalist feelings, certain irreligious people who occupy high positions attack me with their propaganda. At the promptings of Satan and suggestions of the people of misguidance, they say: “You are Turks. Thanks be to God, among the Turks are religious scholars and people of perfection of every sort. Said is a Kurd. To work along with someone who does not share your nationality is unpatriotic.”

T h e  A n s w e r : You miserable person without religion! All praise be to God, I am a Muslim. At all times there are three hundred and fifty million members of my sacred nation. I seek refuge with God a hundred thousand times from sacrificing for the idea of racialism and negative nationalism three hundred and fifty million brothers who enjoy an eternal brotherhood  and who help me with their prayers and among whom are the vast majority of Kurds. And I seek refuge with God from gaining in place of those innumerable blessed brothers a few who have embarked on a way that is without religion or belongs to no school of law, who bear the name of Kurd and are reckoned to belong to the Kurdish people. O you without religion! There would have to have been some idiots like you who would abandon the everlasting brotherhood of a luminous beneficial community of three hundred and fifty million true brothers, to gain the brotherhood – which even in this world is without benefit – of a handful of Hungarian infidels or Europeanized Turks who have lost their religion. Since, in the Third Matter of the Twenty-Sixth Letter we have shown together with the evidences the nature of negative nationalism and its harms, we refer you to that, and here only explain a truth which was mentioned briefly at the end of the Third Matter. It is as follows:

I say to those pseudo-patriotic irreligious deviants who hide under the veil of Turkism and in reality are enemies of the Turks: “I am closely and truly connected by means of an eternal, true brotherhood with the nation of Islam, with the believers of this country who are called Turks. On account of Islam, I have a proud and partial love for the sons of this land who for close on a thousand years victoriously carried the banner of the Qur’an to every corner of the world.

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