Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 484
Through their false patriotism, people like you plunge a needle into the hearts of those unhappy victims of disaster who are much in need of compassion, soothing, and healing, and deserving of them. You hit them over the head! You mercilessly destroy all their hopes! You cast them into absolute despair! Is this nationalist patriotism? Is that how you provide benefits for the nation?

The  elderly,  the  third  group,  forms  a third.  They are  approaching  the  grave, drawing close to death, growing distant from the world, coming close to the hereafter. Are  their  benefits,  lights,  and  consolation  to  be  found  in  listening  to  the  cruel adventures of tyrants like Hulagu and Jenghiz? Do they have a place in your modern- type movements which make the hereafter forgotten, bind a person to the world, are without result, and have the meaning of decline while being superficially progress? Is the light of the hereafter to be found in the cinema? Is true solace to be found in the theatre?  If nationalist  patriotism  is in effect  to  slaughter  them  with an immaterial knife, and give them the idea that “you are being impelled towards everlasting nothingness,” and to transform the grave, which they consider to be the gate of mercy, into the dragon’s mouth, and to breathe in their ears: “You too will enter there!” – if, while  these  unhappy elderly  people  want  respect  from  patriotism,  this  is  what  it consists of, I seek refuge with God a hundred thousand times from such patriotism!

The  fourth  group   are  the  children.   They  want   kindness   from  nationalist patriotism; they await compassion. Also, in respect of their weakness, impotence, and powerlessness,   their  spirits  may  expand  through  knowing  a  compassionate  and powerful Creator; their abilities may unfold in a happy manner. If instilled with the reliance on God that springs from belief and with the submission of Islam that may withstand the awesome fears and worldly situations of the future, these innocents may look eagerly to life. Will this be achieved by teaching them things about the progress of civilization, with which they have little connection, and the principles of lightless materialist philosophy, which destroys their morale and extinguishes their spirits? If man consisted only of an animal body and he had no mind in his head, perhaps these European  principles  which  you  fancifully  call  civilized  education  and  national education could have afforded  these innocent children some worldly benefit in the form  of temporary  childish  amusement.  Since  they will  be  cast  onto  the  surging tumult of life, and since they are human beings, they will certainly have far-reaching desires in their small hearts and large goals will be born in their little heads. Since the reality  is  thus,  compassion  requires  that  in  the  face  of  their  infinite  want  and impotence an extremely powerful support and inexhaustible place of recourse  are placed  in their  hearts,  and  these  are  belief  in God  and belief  in the hereafter.

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