Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 486
“He is a Kurd. Don’t follow him!” Perhaps you would have been right to say it. But since, as explained above, the sons of this land, who go under the name of Turks, consist of six groups, to cause harm to five of the groups and spoil their pleasure in life, and to afford a temporary, worldly pleasure the consequences of which are bad, to only one group, rather, to intoxicate them, is scarcely friendship to the Turkish nation; it is enmity.

Yes, according to race, I am not counted as a Turk but I have worked with all my strength, with complete eagerness, in compassionate and brotherly fashion, for the groups among the Turks of the God-fearing, the disaster-stricken, the elderly, the children, and the weak and the poor. I have worked for the young people as well, who are the sixth group; I want them to give up any unlawful acts that will poison their worldly life, destroy their lives in the hereafter, and for one hour’s laughter, produce a year  of  weeping.  The  works  I have  taken  from  the  Qur’an  and  published  in  the Turkish language – not only these six or seven years, but for twenty years – are there for everyone to see. Yes, praise be to God, through these works derived from the All- Wise Qur’an’s mine of lights, the light is shown which the group of the elderly wants more than anything; the most efficacious remedies for the disaster-stricken and the sick are pointed  out in the sacred pharmacy of the Qur’an; the door of the grave, which causes more thought to the elderly than anything else, is shown to be the door of mercy, not the door leading to execution. A truly powerful point of support in the face of the calamities and harmful things confronting the sensitive hearts of children, and a place of recourse to meet all their hopes and desires, have been extracted from the mine of the All-Wise Qur’an, and they have been demonstrated and profited from in fact. And the heavy obligations of life, which crush most the poor and weak, have been alleviated by the truths of belief of the All-Wise Qur’an.

Thus, these five groups are five out of the six parts of the Turkish nation, and we are  working  for  their  benefit.  The  sixth  group  are  the  young  people.  We  feel  a powerful brotherhood with the good ones from among them. But between those like you who have deviated from the straight path, and us, there is no friendship at all! Because we do not recognize as Turks those who embrace misguidance and want to abandon Islamic nationhood, which holds all the true causes of pride of the Turks. We consider  them  to be Europeans  hiding behind  the screen  of Turkishness!  Because even  if they claim  to be  Turkists  a hundred  thousand  times  over,  they could  not deceive the people of truth. For their actions and works would give the lie to what they claim.

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