The Guide For The Youth | Entry | 3

This guide for the youth was printed with the new alphabet and also published with the old (Ottoman) alphabet in Isparta and the government and the police department did not interfere with it and it’s being studied on and spread everywhere with enthusiasm show that :

This guide is very beneficial for the nation especially for the young generation. Although the chief of police department in Ankara questioned the sentence in the fifty second page, eighth line “it is necessary to open a small study center of Light in every neighbourhood if possible” without reading the sentence in the fifth line, “due to government’s permission to open private schools for religious education”. But he understood the true situation and did not prevent it’s publishing.

Although “the Point on He” is profound, not everybody immediately can understand. However that subtle point turn into pieces the foundation stone of the Naturalists and unbelievers and it is astaunding many stubborn philosophers and introduced to many of them the belief and through the key of spiritual travel in the universe of similitude which is opened with the key of that subtle point a cinema of the other world has been observed “with the certainty of vision”. However it was not published because it was too fine.

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.

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