The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 95
The Second Station of the 17th Word *
Cry not out at misfortune, O wretch, come, trust in Allah!
For know that crying out compounds the misfortune and is a great error.
* * *

Find misfortune’s Sender, and know it is a gift within gift, and pleasure.
So leave crying out and offer thanks; like the nightingale, smile through your tears!
* * *

If you find Him not, know the world is all pain within pain, transience and loss.
So why lament at a small misfortune while upon you is a worldful of woe?
Come trust in Allah!
* * *

Trust in Allah! Laugh in misfortune’s face; it too will laugh.
As it laughs, it will diminish; it will be changed and transformed.
* The texts in this second station look like poems but they are not. They are intentionally not versified .Perhaps in the direction of perfect order of realities, in a way they seem
to be written in rhyme.

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