The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 98
For all the Qur’an’s cause is light upon light; I don’t renege, like you.
In the Qur’an is truth and wisdom; I’ll prove it. I count as nothing hostile philosophy.
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In the Criterion are diamond truths; I take them to myself, not sell them, like you.
I journey from creation to Creator; I don’t lose the way, like you.
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I pass over thorny paths, I don’t tread on them, like you.
From the earth to the Throne, I offer thanks; I don’t neglect it, like you.
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I look on death and the appointed hour as a friend; I am not frightened, like you.
I’ll enter the grave smiling, not trembling, like you.
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I don’t see it as a monster’s mouth, a beast’s lair, descending to nothingness,
like you.
It joins me with my friends; I’m not vexed at the grave, like you.
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It’s the door of Mercy, gate of Light, portal of Truth; I am not discomforted by it;
I won’t retreat.

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