The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 101

Later they covered and hidden those Lights with marble stones. Presently the Quranic Alphabet has been permitted again, which was an opportunity for one of the purposes followed by the Risale-i Nur and this is a sign that in the future the University will become a School of the Light.

Ahmetler, students of Light from Denizli, have extracted an article from the works of Bismarck who was a famous Scholar and a social philosopher and the greatest intellectual of the 19th Century :

“I have studied the Quran in all aspects. I noticed great wisdom in each of its words. There is no and will not be such a Book similar to the Quran which can administer the Mankind.”

Addressing the Prophet He wrote :

“O Muhammad ! I regret much that I am not your contemporary. Humanity has seen such a distinguished power like you only once and cannot see again. Therefore I bow in your spiritual presence with great respect.”


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