The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 102

He over-criticized in the same article the previous Holy Scriptures which were modified and abrogated, hence those sentences should not be included. *

This person was the most intelligent and greatest philosopher of the 19th Century and the most important personality of Politics and Social Life, and now the World of Islam has partly obtained its independence and the Foreign Governments have been searching the Truths of the Quran and there is a substantial trend towards the Quran in the West and North West and the most famous and greatest philosopher of America, Mister Carlyle has also commented similarly like Bismarck :

“Other Books can no way equal the Quran. It is the True Word. We must heed it.” **

* As I pointed in Ahmets’ letter ,that part, may be included in the guide with this letter of mine.
** The signs of Miraculousness – the Arabic Commentary from the Treatises of Light – had pointed out to this valuable truthful decision of his, almost thirty years ago.
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