The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 103

Furthermore the victories of the Treatises of Light everywhere and their advancement are good omens indicating that many more Bismarcks and Carlyles will appear in the West. We present this article as a gift of the Feast for the Students of Light and enclose the article of Bismarck.

Greetings to all...

Your Brother

Said Nursi

Bismarck’s Statement in the Letter from Ahmeds Our Honourable Teacher !

We present here with the words of Prince Bismarck - the famous German Ruler - about different Religions and particularly Islam for the attention of our Honorable Teacher.

These words indicate how much Islam will advance in the West.

Due to My extensive social research, I found out the following Statements of the Late Prince Bismarck in various sources from the 19th Century about the abrogated Religions :

“I have examined closely all the Holy Scriptures claimed to be sent by Allah to guide the humanity in different eras. I could find in none of them the wisdom I was looking for, since they had been corrupted. The laws in them are too distant from being able to ensure happiness for mankind.

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