The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 100

My Dear Devoted Brothers !

Firstly we congratulate the blessed feast of all of the Students of Light and the feast of the Students of Light at the Hajj-ul-Akbar (Greater Pil-grimage) and the supporters of the Light who are at the Pilgrimage.

This Feast is giving the good news of the beginning of the Great Feast of the World of Islam which is the Islamic Union introduced by “the Arab League” just in the same manner as the United States, organized by an Islamic State in India with a population over hundred million, an Islamic State in Java with a population over fifty million and four-five Governments in the Arabian Peninsula, which were for a long time under foreign occupation and captivity after they lost their independence.

Secondly : According to what Refet Bey and Mustafa Oruc in Istanbul have written, the Ministry of War and Defence which administered for a long period the Islamic Army – the Headquarters and the Gate of Commanders had the following significant Verse of the Quran with the Quranic Alphabet

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