The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 148
The Second Position Of The 14th Flash

This concerns six of the thousands of mysteries contained in In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

NOTE: A bright light from the part of the verse “In The Name Of Allah, the Merciful, The Compassionate” concerning Divine Mercy appeared to my dull mind from afar. I wanted to record it for myself in the form of notes, and to hunt it down and capture it, and circumscribe the light with twenty to thirty mysteries. But unfortunately I was not able to do this at the present time and the twenty or thirty mysteries were reduced to five or six.

When I say: "Oh man!", I mean myself. And while this lesson is directed particularly to my own soul, I refer it as the Second Station of the Fourteenth Flash for the approval of my meticulous brothers in the hope that it may benefit those with whom I am connected spiritually and whose souls are more prudent than mine. This lesson looks to the heart more than the mind, and regards spiritual pleasure rather than rational proofs.

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