The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 149

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

[The Queen] said: "Ye chiefs! Here is -delivered to me -letter worthy of respect. It is from Solomon, and is [as follows]: ’In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate’.*" *Qur’an 27:29-30

A number of mysteries will be mentioned in this Station.

I saw one manifestation of In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate as follows:

On the face of the universe, the face of the earth, and the face of man are three Stamps of Dominicality one within the other and each showing samples of the others.

The First is the Great Stamp of Allahhead which is manifest through the mutual assistance, cooperation, and embracing and corresponding to one another of beings in the totality of the universe. This looks to In the Name of Allah

The Second is the Great Stamp of Divine Mercifulness which is manifest through the mutual resemblance and proportion, order, harmony, favor and compassion in the disposal, raising and administration of plants and animals on the face of the earth. This looks to In the Name of Allah, the Merciful.

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