The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 152

What makes this boundless universe rejoice is clearly Divine Mercy. And what illuminates these dark beings is self-evidently again Divine Mercy. And what fosters and raises creatures struggling within these endless needs is self-evidently again Divine Mercy. And what causes the whole universe to be turned towards man, like a tree together with all its parts is turned towards its fruit, and causes it to look to him and run to his assistance is clearly Divine Mercy. And what fills and illuminates boundless space and the empty, vacant world and makes it rejoice is self-evidently Divine Mercy. And what designates ephemeral man for eternity and makes him the addressee and beloved of a Pre-Eternal and Post-Eternal One is self-evidently Divine Mercy.

Oh man! Since Divine Mercy is such a powerful, inviting, sweet, assisting lovable truth, say: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, adhere to this truth and be saved from absolute desolation and the pains of unending needs. And draw close to the throne of the Pre-Etemal and Post- Eternal Monarch, and through the compassion and rays of Divine Mercy, become the addressee, friend, and beloved of that Monarch.

Indeed, to gather around man the realms of beings in the universe within the sphere of wisdom, and to make them hasten to meet all his needs with perfect order and graciousness is clearly one of two situations.

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