The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 155

Oh man! If you are truly a human being, say: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Find that intercessor. For sure, it is clearly, indeed, self-evidently, Divine Mercy which, without forgetting or confusing any of them raises, nurtures, and administers the four hundred thousand all different plant and animal species on the earth at precisely the right time, and with perfect order, wisdom, and beneficence, and stamps the Seal of Divine Oneness on the face of the globe of the earth. And just as the existence of Divine Mercy is as certain as the existence of the beings on the face of the earth, so too do the beings form as many evidences to its reality as their own number.

Indeed, just as on the face of the earth there is such a Seal of Mercy and Stamp of Divine Oneness, so also on the face of man’s nature is a Stamp of Divine Mercy which is not inferior to the Stamp of Compassion and vast Stamp of Mercy on the face of the universe. Simply, man possesses a comprehensiveness like being a point of focus for a thousand and one Divine Names.

Oh man! Is it at all possible that the One Who gives you this face, and places such a Stamp of Mercy and Seal of Oneness on it would leave you to your own devices,

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