The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 151

So, lest the sun itself be forgotten, it is displayed in every shining object by means of its reflection. And in accordance with the capacity of each, all shining objects display the sun’s qualities, such as its light and heat, together with the manifestation of its essence. And just as according to the ability of each, all lustrous objects show the sun together with all its attributes, so too do each of the sun’s qualities, like its light and heat and the seven colors in its light, encompass all the things facing it.

And in the same way, And Allah’s is the highest similitude - but let there be no mistake in the comparison- just as Divine Oneness and Eternally Be soughtedness have a manifestation together with all the Divine Names in everything, in animate creatures in particular, and especially in man’s mirror like essence, so too through Divine Unity does each of the Divine Names connected to beings encompass all beings. Thus, lest minds become overwhelmed by Divine Unity and hearts forget the Most Pure and Holy Essence, the Qur’an constantly puts before the eyes the Stamp of Divine Oneness within Divine Unity. And that is In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, which points out the three important points of the Stamp.

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