The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 96
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Know, O arrogant one, happiness in this world is in abandoning it.
To know Allah is enough. Abandon the world; all things will be for you.
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To be arrogant is total loss; whatever you do, all things will be against you.
So both states demand abandoning the world here.
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Abandoning the world is to regard it as Allah’s property, with His permission,
in His Name...
If you want to do trade, it is in making this fleeting life eternal.
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If you seek yourself, it is both rotten and without foundation.
If you seek the world outside, the stamp of ephemerality is upon it.
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That means there is no value in taking it; the goods in this market are all rotten.
So pass on... the sound goods are all lined up beyond it....

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