The Guide For The Youth | The First Word | 7

Indeed, the roots spreading through hard rock and earth and producing fruits as easily as the branches spread through the air and produce fruits, and the delicate green leaves retaining their moisture for months in the face of extreme heat, deal a slap in the mouths of Naturalists and jab a finger in their blind eyes, saying: "Even heat and hardness, in which you most trust, are under a command. For, like the Staff of Moses, each of those silken rootlets conform to the command of, And We said, O Moses, strike the rock with your staff,

and split the rock. And the delicate leaves fine as cigarette paper recite the verse, O fire be coolness and peace 2

against the heat of the fire, each like the members of Abraham (A.S.).

Since all things say, "In the Name of Allah," and bearing Allah’s bounties in Allah’s name, give them to us, we too should say, "In the Name of Allah."

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