The Guide For The Youth | THE SECOND STATION OF THE 13TH WORD | 11

And innumerable exact scholars have proved it rationally with their categorical proofs at the level of certainty at the degree of knowledge* They have all unanimously declared it to be a ninety-nine per’ cent certain probability, saying: "The only way to be saved from extinction and eternal imprisonment, and be directed towards eternal happiness, is through belief in Allah and obedience to Him."

If a person considers but does not heed the word of a single messenger not to take a dangerous road on which there is a one per’ cent danger of perishing, and takes it, the anxiety at perishing that he suffers will destroy even his appetite for food. Thus hundreds of thousands of veracious and verified messengers announced that there is a one hundred per’ cent probability that misguidance and vice lead to the gallows of the grave, ever before the eyes, and eternal solitary confinement, and that there is a one hundred per cent probability that belief and worship remove those gallows, close the solitary prison, and transform the ever-apparent grave into a door opening onto an everlasting treasury and palace of felicity; and they have pointed out signs and traces of these. Confronted as he is, then, with this strange, awesome, terrifying matter, if wretched man-and especially if he is a Muslim-does not believe and worship, is he able to banish the grievous pain arising from the anxiety he suffers as he all the time awaits his turn to be summoned to those gallows, ever-present before his eyes, even if he is given rule over the whole world together with all its pleasures? I ask you.

(*) One of these is the: Risale-i Nur. And it is there for all to see.
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