The Guide For The Youth | THE POINT ON THE AIR | 87

Indeed, if soil, one handful of which can act as a flower-pot for hundreds of plants in turn, is attributed to nature or causes, it becomes necessary either for there to be present in such a handful hundreds of immaterial machines, rather, machines and factories to the number of the plants, or for each particle of that small amount of soil to know how to make all those different plants together with their different characteristics and living organs; quite simply, each would have to possess infinite knowledge and limitless power like a Allah.

The same is true for the air, which is a place of maximum manifestation of the Divine Will and Command; either there would have to be present on a minute scale in each of its molecules, in each waft of wind, each breath, and in the tiny amount air expended with the word , the innumerable different exchanges, centers, receivers and transmitters of all the telephones, telegraphs and radios in the world so that each could perform those innumerable acts at the same time. Or each particle of each molecule of air exhaled with , and indeed of the element air, would have to possess abilities and personalities to the number of

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