The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 117

His beauty and perfection are indicated to and pointed to by all the fairness, beauty, virtue and perfection of all lovable and loved objects in the cosmos."

The Qur’an also says, "Oh man! Do not squander your infinite capacity to love, which properly be- longs to His Names and attributes, on other transient creatures. For the works and creatures of Allah are ephemeral, but the Beautiful Names, whose impress and manifestation may be seen on them, are eternal and permanent. And in each of His Names and attributes there are thousands of degrees of bounty and beauty, perfection and love. Look only at the Name of All-Merciful: Paradise is a manifestation of it, eternal happiness, a flash of it, and all the sustenance and bounty in the world, a mere drop of it".

Consider carefully, then, this verse which indicates the true nature of the people of misguidance and that of the people of belief, with regard to their lives and duties:

Verily We have created man in the fairest of forms, then sent him down to the lowest of the low, except for those who believe and do good deeds.

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