The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 146

And that a thousand years of heavenly life is not worth one hour’s vision and contemplation of the All-Glorious One, Who possesses incomparable beauty and perfection.

Everyone may perceive through his conscience a great longing for the vision of a personage famous for his magnificence and perfection, like the Prophet Solomon (upon whom be peace), and a great yearning to behold a personage distinguished by his beauty, like the Prophet Joseph (upon whom be peace). And to, if you can, compare how longed for, sought after, and desire arousing is the vision of One, one manifestation of Whose beauty and Perfection are all the virtues and perfections of Paradise, which are thousands of times more elevated than all the virtues and perfections of this world.

Oh Allah, bestow upon us in this world love for You and love for that which will draw us closer to You, and the right-guidedness that You have commanded,

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