Whereupon that unfortunate man came to his senses. He put down his load on the deck and sat on it. He said to the other: "Ah! May Allah be pleased with you. I’ve been saved from that difficulty, from prison, and from making a fool of myself."
And so, O man who does not place his trust in Al-lah! You too come to your senses like that man and place your trust in Him, so that you may be delivered from begging before all the universe, trembling before every event, from pride, making a fool of yourself, misery in the hereafter, and the prison of the pressures of this world...
FOURTH POINTBelief makes man into man, indeed, it makes man into a king. Since this is so, man’s basic duty is belief and supplication. Unbelief makes man into an extremely impotent beast.
Out of thousands of proofs of this matter, the differences in the ways animals and man come into