The Guide For The Youth | The Twenty-Third Word | 187

And it casts down to a position more abased and weaker, more powerless and needy than the lowliest transient animal the one who holds the rank of Allah’s vicegerent on Earth, known as Man, who is a well-composed ode of wisdom proclaiming the manifestations of the Sacred Divine Names, and a seed-like self-evident miracle of Divine Power containing all the members of an eternal tree, and who, with assuming the ’Greatest Trust’, became higher than the Earth, Sky and mountains and gained superiority over the angels. It reduces him to the level of being a common sign-board lacking all meaning, confused, and swiftly decaying.

In Short: In regard to destruction and evil, the evil-commanding soul may commit infinite crimes, but concerning creativity and good, its power is extremely little and partial. Yes, a house may be destroyed in one day, while it cannot be built in a hundred. However, if the soul gives up egoism and seeks good and existence from Divine assistance, and if it foregoes evil and destruction and relying on the soul, and seeking forgiveness becomes a true slave of Allah’s, then it will manifest the meaning of the verse, Allah will change their evil into good.

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