The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 73
First Addendum

Third Part

[This part of the Addendum consists of newspaper articles written by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi fortytwo years ago.]

Long Live the Illustrious Shari‘a!

Volkan No: 73

21 Safer 1327/ 1 Mart 1325/ 14 March 1909

Deputies of the Assembly!

I am going to write a single sentence, which though very long, is extremely succinct. Take note of it, for in its prolixity is conciseness. It is this:

If you apply the title of the ILLUSTRIOUS SHARI‘A to the justice, mutual consultation, and restriction of power to the law which is the Constitution and constitutionalism, and make it the authority for your rulings and apply its principles, what will you lose? For it is the true and rightful owner of this glorious, effective title and comprises the following manifold benefits: it is the source of absolute justice; provides us with a sure point of support; establishes constitutionalism on a firm base; saves the doubtful and anxious from the abyss of their bewilderment; guarantees our future in

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