The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 75

self sacrifice, and patriotism the same as the bravest, and the most common man the same as the most elevated; delivers us from vice, wastefulness, and inessential needs, all of which destroy civilization; gives a spur to endeavour by developing this world as well as saving the hereafter; teaches the principles of good morals and elevated emotions, the life of civilization; acquits each of you deputies from fifty thousand people claiming their rights from you; shows you to be a small, licit sample of the consensus of the Umma; because of pure intention makes all your actions into worship; and saves you from criminal conspiracy against the spiritual lives of three hundred million Muslims; since it comprises this many benefits, what will you lose if you apply the title of the Shari‘a to constitutionalism?

Long live the Illustrious Shari‘a!

S a i d N u r s i

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