The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 76
Long Live the Shari‘a of Muhammad!
(Upon whom be blessings and peace)

Volkan No. 77

25 Safar 1327/ 5 Mart 1325/ 18 March 1909

Since the Illustrious Shari‘a proceeds from pre-eternal Divine speech, it will continue for all eternity. Our salvation from the vile tyranny of the evil-commanding soul is through reliance on Islam, by hold-ing fast to that ‘rope most strong.’ We may profit thor-oughly from true freedom by seeking help from belief. For one who is truly a slave and servant of the world’s Maker will not stoop to worshipping His creatures. Eve-ryone is a commander in his own world and is therefore charged with the ‘greater jihad’ in it, with assuming the morality of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), and raising to life his practices.

Rulers of this land! If you want success, conform to the Divine laws! Otherwise you will be unsuccessful. For the fact that all the known prophets appeared in the lands of Islam and the Ottomans is a sign of Divine De-termining that the steam of the engine of the progress of this country’s people is religion. The flowers of these

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