The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 79

Volkan No: 70

18 Safar 1327/ 26 Şubat 1324/ 11 March 1909

We have been members of the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (The Muhammadan Union) (Upon whom be blessings and peace) since man undertook the trust in preeternity.(22) The reason for our unity is Divine Unity; our oath and pledge is belief; we are united because we affirm Divine Unity. All believers are charged with upholding the Word of God, and at this time the most effective means of doing this is material progress. For the Europeans are crushing us under their tyranny with the weapons of science and industry. We shall therefore wage jihad with the weapons of science and industry on ignorance, poverty, and conflicting ideas, the worst enemies of upholding the Word of God.

As for external jihad, we shall refer it to the decisive proofs of the Illustrious Shari‘a. For conquering the civilized is through persuasion, not through force as though they were savages who understand nothing.

(22) "Qalu bala." See, Qur’an, 7:172. [Tr.]
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